The construction of a new health complex in Kilifi County is almost complete. The facility will have a cancer management unit that will offer radio and chemo therapy services to virtually 5% of residents fighting various types of cancers.
The new project has cost approximately US $5m and has come as a sign of relief for cancer patients in the region. It will help de-congest the Coast General and Referral Hospital in Mombasa which have over the years has been having challenges in serving residents from Mombasa, Lamu, Taita Taveta, Kilifi, Tana River and Kwale counties.
Statistics from the county department
Kilifi Governor, Mr. Amason Kingi confirmed the reports and said that the statistics from the county department of health indicated that more than 250 new cancer cases are usually reported every twelve months, most of them being at an advanced stage.
“The situation especially in addressing the cancer menace in the region is so depressing. We know cancer can be treated if detected early but what has been challenging is that we lacked the facility but we however look forward to change this trend,” he pointed out.
On the other hand, Kilifi County Health Executive, Anisa Omar, explained and said that at first the health complex was designed to combat increasing cancer cases but was later reviewed to include an emergency and trauma centre. Additionally, a 24 hour ambulance service system, two theatres, Intensive Care Unit and a High Dependency Unit (HDU) were also included.
The emergency trauma centre
The emergency trauma centre will be located on the ground and a six bed capacity area for patient’s observation and a six bed resuscitation room and an x-ray room. The first floor will alternatively have a six bed ICU and a similar bed capacity in the HDU.
The cancer unit will be equipped with CT scan, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine (MRI), ultra eye machine, a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan for cancer diagnostics, a mammography and laboratory.