Construction of the 52Km Koka-Adulala-Bishoftu asphalt concrete road in Ethiopia is complete. Aser Construction Plc, Ethiopia based construction company executed the road construction project at a cost of US $26.1m while Net Consult Consulting Engineers & Architects Plc designed the road.
The completed road is located in the Oromia Regional State, linking the Adaa Liben and Lomi weredas. The road also connects Bishoftu with the Addis-Adama toll road and Modjo to the Hawassa Expressway. Other towns it passes through are Koka, Dire and Adulala. The government has not yet decided when the road will be commissioned.
About Aser
Engaging in construction works of roads and buildings, Aser is a local contractor founded in 2009. Some of its completed projects include the Eastern Industry Zone concrete pavement works and the Bole Ring Road utility line construction.
Besides, the company now owns concrete batching plants at Bole Bulbula that became operational three years ago.
Ethiopia road network
Ethiopia’s road network has been increasing year after year. In 2016 the country paved 113,066km of roads, which is close to 30% of the required road network in the country. However, the nation hopes to boost road coverage to 220,000km by end of the second edition of the Growth & Transportation Plan (GTP II).